TaeKwonDo Board Breaking Techniques

Part of the testing process that one goes through each time they go to move up in rank in TaeKwonDo is the dreaded board breaking. For many this is the most stressful part of the …

Tae Kwon Do Stretching

TaeKwonDo Warm-Up and Stretching Exercises

One of the most important things you can do before training for your kicks or poomsae’s, regardless of your age, when practicing Taekwondo is to make sure you warm up and stretch properly whether you …

Typical Tae Kwon Do Injuries

What Are Common TaeKwonDo Injuries

The very nature of Taekwondo training exposes its participants to injury in a variety of different situations. No matter how young or old, experienced or inexperienced, anyone can be at risk for the myriad of …