Tae Kwon Do Gear for Kids

7 Must-Have Tae Kwon Do Sparring Gear for Kids

TaeKwonDo Sparring Gear for Kids

As your child progresses in Tae Kwon Do, reaching a level where sparring becomes essential, it’s crucial to equip them with the right protective gear. Each school may have specific requirements, but a standard “full set of pads” typically includes gloves, foot pads, shin and ankle guards, and a helmet.

While purchasing gear directly from the school is convenient, exploring online options can offer more variety and potentially better prices. Below is a list of seven essential sparring gear items for kids, along with recommendations for each. Please consult with your child’s school to ensure compliance with their requirements.

1. Chest Guard

Tae Kwon Do Tournament Sparring

The chest protector is vital in Tae Kwon Do, safeguarding the torso from frequent kicks during sparring sessions. It also offers protection to the ribs, stomach, shoulders, and back. When selecting a chest guard, consider factors such as weight, maneuverability, coverage area, back design (open or closed), and material. The Adidas WTF TaeKwonDo Solid Reversible Chest Protector is a commendable option that meets these criteria and can found at the world’s favorite store – Amazon. (If you can’t find it locally)

2. Mouth Guard

Protecting your child’s teeth is essential, and a mouth guard plays a significant role in this. While some schools may not require mouth guards for regular sparring sessions, they become mandatory for tournaments. Key benefits of using a mouth guard include:

  • Bracing teeth for impact
  • Protecting the neck
  • Safeguarding the jaw joint
  • Protecting soft tissue
  • Enhancing head protection

A cost-effective choice is the “boil and bite” mouth guard, which offers a customizable fit. The Shock Doctor Gel Max is a reliable option available on Amazon.

3. Shin Instep Guard

Tae Kwon Do Sparring Equipment

Given Tae Kwon Do’s emphasis on kicking, a quality pair of shin guards is crucial. They allow your child to practice with increased intensity without fear of injury, promoting better technique and confidence. The Meister MMA Elastic Cloth Shin & Instep Padded Guards are a popular choice among students. You know where you can find it, it you can’t locally!

4. Head Guard

Choosing a Tae Kwon Do School

A head guard is indispensable for sparring, providing protection against head injuries. It’s a mandatory requirement in all Tae Kwon Do tournaments and most schools. A good head guard should:

  • Protect the face, reducing bruising
  • Shield the nose and chin
  • Prevent cuts

Be aware that while head guards offer protection, they are not foolproof and can sometimes give a false sense of security. It’s essential to practice proper technique and remain vigilant during sparring. Consider the Pro Force Lightning or the Whistlekick Sparring Helmet, both available on Amazon.

5. Gear Bag

TaeKwonDo Sparring Equipment Bag

With multiple pieces of equipment, a dedicated gear bag helps keep everything organized and easily accessible. Look for a bag that offers:

  • A large compartment for bulky items like shin guards, headgear, shoes, and chest guard
  • Smaller pockets for items like mouth guards and sports tape
  • A compartment for a water bottle
  • A wet clothing compartment

Look at either the Datsusara bag (shown above) or The Gold BJJ Duffle Bag, though labeled for Jiu Jitsu, is well-constructed and suitable for any martial artist. Look for it on Amazon if you can’t find it locally.

6. Stretching Equipment

Tae Kwon Do Equipment

Maintaining flexibility is crucial in TaeKwonDo. While children are naturally more flexible, it’s beneficial to instill good stretching habits early. A good stretching routine should include both dynamic (movement-based) and static (holding positions) stretches. For assistance with static stretching, a tool like the Pro Leg Stretcher can be helpful.

7. Fist and Forearm Guard

World Taekwondo Championship

Even though TaeKwonDo emphasizes kicking, protecting the hands and forearms is still important. A good set of fist and forearm guards can prevent injuries from improper punching techniques or accidental impacts. Combination guards typically feature padding over the fist area and an elastic sleeve for a secure fit. The Victory Fist and Forearm Guard is a solid choice available on Amazon.

Final Thoughts

Equipping your child with the appropriate sparring gear ensures a safer and more enjoyable Tae Kwon Do experience. Investing in quality equipment not only protects them but also instills confidence as they develop their skills.